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Learning to Live Together Available in Portuguese

It is our pleasure to announce that the Portuguese version of the Learning to Live Together manual will be launched at the occasion of the Day of Prayer and Action manifestation in Brazil on 17 November 2009.  The Latin American and Caribean branch of the GNRC has worked closely with Pastoral da Criança, which has initiated and contributed to the translation of the Portuguese language version.Read more… It is with appreciation that we acknowledge Pastoral da Criança and its partners under the leadership of the Founder and President Dr. Zilda Arns Neumann for its contribution and commitment to promoting ethics education in Brazil.

The Nobel Peace Price laureate, Dr. Adolfo Perez Esquivel, also a member of the Interfaith Council on Ethics Education for Children, together with representatives of UNESCO and UNICEF and various faith communities, will also be present at the Day of Prayer and Action celebration and launch of Portuguese version of the Learning to Live Together.

CD roms with the Portuguese version of the Learning to Live Together have been produced by Pastoral da Criança and will be distributed at the Day of Prayer and Action event in Brazil. Hard copies of the manual will be produced in due course.

You can download the manual here and its posters here.

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