Learning Opportunities
We offer a wide range of online and onsite learning opportunities for educators and those working with children in formal, informal and non-formal educational settings.
Our learning opportunities are based on our Ethics Education Approach and aim at supporting different stakeholders in creating safe, positive and empowering learning environments for children and youth while fostering intercultural and interfaith learning and collaboration.
Through our learning opportunities, participants will reflect on their context, develop skills and gain new knowledge to ensure children’s socio-emotional and spiritual well-being and empower them to become agents of positive change.
With 20 years of expertise in training and capacity building on ethics education, our learning opportunities have reached teachers, educators, youth leaders, and representatives from faith-based and civil society organizations, Ministries of Education and multilateral agencies in more than 60 countries.
Explore the different learning opportunities offered by Arigatou International Geneva:

Onsite Workshops
We offer onsite workshops for groups of educators and people working with children in organizations or institutions that wish to carry out ethics education programs for children. The workshops are based on our Ethics Education Approach and run in collaboration with the local partner organizations.
Each workshop is customized to the group’s needs and context. It can be focused on different thematics including peacebuilding, the prevention of violence, youth empowerment, refugee, migrant and host community relations, and more.
We also offer training workshops to gain the knowledge and skills needed to implement our Learning to Live Together program with children. Depending on the group’s needs, they can go through an Introductory Workshop, a Facilitator Training Workshop, an Advanced Facilitator Workshop, or a Training of Trainers workshop.

Online Courses & Workshops
Sign up for our online courses and workshops to further your knowledge and skills on ethics education for children. Follow the link below to explore the different courses and workshops available.

Online Learning Modules
These self-paced learning modules will introduce you to relevant topics related to children’s rights and child participation and safeguarding.

We organize and host online discussions and dialogues on different thematics to reflect and learn from the knowledge and experience of both the speakers and the participants. Check out our calendar and sign up for our upcoming webinars.

Online Dialogues
We organize and host online dialogues with Ministries of Education and other key stakeholders to advance ethics education and related policy recommendations in different contexts.
Stay tuned for more information.

Learning Resources
Take a look at the different learning resources we have developed in collaboration with many partners.

Global Community of Practice
Those who graduate from our capacity-building activities are invited to be part of our Global Community of Practice, a space to share, learn, connect and collaborate with committed people working to advance ethics education for children at the local, regional and global levels.