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Workshop on Ethics Education held in the Andean region

The resource kit recently used in Sweden was further implemented at the workshop in Colombia within the context of displaced populations

A workshop on ethics education for educators and children of displaced populations was organized for the Andean sub region by GNRC for Latin America and the Caribbean region in collaboration with Pastoral Primera Infancia (Pastoral of the first years of live) from 5 – 8 December at the retirement center San Pedro Claver in Bogotá. It was attended by some 50 participants, coming from Bogotá and various cities of Colombia, and from the other Andean countries, Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela. All were of Christian denominations, representing the Anglican, Mennonite, Catholic, Lutheran and Presbyterian churches, being members of CLAI (Latin American Council of Churches) and World Vision Colombia. Five children and nine young people from Colombia attended the workshop.

At the opening of the workshop, a Statement by Rev. Takeyasu Miyamoto, President of Arigatou Foundation and Leader of Myochikai, was delivered. A welcome address was given by Mercedes Roman, GNRC coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean region.


The draft resource kit was used as background material for the workshop. Under the central theme of ‘Human Dignity’ four core values were focused on, namely ‘Respect’, ‘Empathy’, ‘Reconciliation’ and ‘Responsibility’ and developed in four separate learning sessions.

The sessions were successfully prepared by the Schools of Peace Foundation technical team composed of Amada Benavides, Mariela Torres de Guerrero and John Jairo Asprilla, under the supervision of Alicia Cabezudo, member of the Committee of the Interfaith Council. Maria Lucia Uribe gave a substantial input as facilitator in the previous workshop held in Sweden.



The methodology used was interactive through practical exercises followed by a ‘socialization time’ to share ideas at the end of each learning session. At the end of the day participants were requested to think about their learning and write their individual commitments related to the theme of the day.
GNRC Latin America is the second of the GNRC regions using the draft resource kit with a view to promote ethics education for children through interfaith and interactive learning.

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