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Using Local Wisdom, Experiences, and Resources to Advance Sustainable Peace

Experts from 12 countries gathered at the annual Georg Arnhold Symposium to explore methods for supporting and empowering educators working in situations of highly escalated conflict, widespread violence and of transition from war to peace, and to contribute to sustainable peace.

The Symposium, which was organized by the Georg Eckert Institute and UNICEF Innocenti in Florence, Italy was held from 16 to 18 October 2017. Its main objective was to provide a venue for a global dialogue on violence, conflict and post-violence settings affecting all societies, and to be a platform for constructive responses to violence in the educational system taking place at the personal, organizational, and societal levels. Mrs. Elenora Mura, Program Officer on Partnership Engagement and Resource Mobilization joined the group of experts, representing Arigatou International Geneva.

For three days the group of researchers, educators and activists discussed and shared experiences from different parts of the world, as well as their own, highlighting the importance of locally developed knowledge, models, and strategies to address violence with education.

Mrs. Mura presented Ethics Education for Children and the Learning to Live Together Programme as an effective tool to nurture ethical values in children in contexts of armed conflict and violence, in the framework of the Session: Practical Insights – Parallel Training Units.

We thank the Georg Eckert Institute and UNICEF Innocenti for the invitation, and for providing the setting to hold these very needed and timely conversations.

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