In the fiscal year 2014-2015 Arigatou International’s Ending Child Poverty Initiative will engage in an income-generating programme titled TRANSFORM. The programme aims at empowering women who are caregivers of vulnerable and orphaned children.
Through this programme women are expected to learn how to read and write as well as use their own financial resources, no matter how small, to invest in small businesses and save.
Through TRANSFOM, women will also be placed in a better position to increase their family income—not only by developing their businesses, but also by using their savings to establish their own community-based banks.
When the women care givers come together in groups of between twenty (20) to twenty-five (25), the little they each save will go into a ‘group fund’. In addition, they will also participate in discussions on child protection issues such as family planning, nutrition, good parenting, disciplining, strengthening parenting skills and promoting better care of vulnerable children.