

Convening of Champions: The Ethics Education Fellowship Concludes its First Phase with Strong Country Commitments

Held on 23-25 April 2024, the ‘Convening of Champions’ meeting marked a significant milestone in the Ethics Education Fellowship collaboration. The gathering was attended by 70 participants from 17 countries, including senior representatives from Ministries of Education, UNESCO offices, partner organizations, as well as religious leaders. The event served as a bustling hub for discussing […]

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Empowering Teachers and Learners through Ethics Education in Mauritius

Mauritius successfully completed the implementation of ethics education nationally through the Ethics Education Fellowship. The impact of this initiative extended to eight schools, involving 24 teachers and 480 school children. One major challenge the country faces in terms of its national educational framework is the need to identify approaches that address diverse cultural, religious, and

Empowering Teachers and Learners through Ethics Education in Mauritius Read More »

Bangladesh Implements Ethics Education in Schools with Newly Established Ethics Clubs

More than 2,000 students across 19 schools in Bangladesh have actively engaged in Ethics Clubs, igniting a ripple effect of positive change. These clubs, which were established during the implementation phase of the Ethics Education Fellowship program, serve as catalysts for fostering interfaith and intercultural learning and dialogue among students. Through active teacher-student collaboration and

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The Ethics Education Fellowship reaches 2,900 Schoolchildren in Indonesia

With 200 teachers from 15 schools involved, and 2,900 learners reached, the implementation phase of the Ethics Education Fellowship successfully concluded in Indonesia, showcasing positive results for both teachers and learners.  Connecting with the existing foundations of Indonesia’s Pancasila Learner Profiles (P5) model, the Ethics Education Fellowship brought valuable assets with its transformative pedagogy approach.

The Ethics Education Fellowship reaches 2,900 Schoolchildren in Indonesia Read More »

The Ethics Education Implementation in Seychelles Concludes with Remarkable Impact on Children

The Ethics Education Fellowship team in Seychelles successfully implemented the program with schoolchildren, achieving six main objectives and reaching 300 children throughout the country. This process, which spanned over 14 months, engaged 15 schools representing multiple regions, including the Inner Islands. Considering certain social challenges that are prevalent among the communities in Seychelles, such as

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Promoting Values-Based Education in Kenya: The Ethics Education Fellowship Collaborated with Schools, a Teacher Training Centre and the Kenyatta University

The Ethics Education Fellowship successfully concluded its implementation phase in Kenya, benefiting 1,200 children across six schools. As a result, the implementation with children not only revealed the positive impact of ethics education on the students, but also reinforced its pivotal role as a cornerstone for cultivating just, inclusive, sustainable, and peaceful communities.  Kenya faces

Promoting Values-Based Education in Kenya: The Ethics Education Fellowship Collaborated with Schools, a Teacher Training Centre and the Kenyatta University Read More »

Findings from the MEL Process Support the Ethics Education Fellows to Streamline their National Advocacy

On 08 February 2023, 35 fellows of the Ethics Education Fellowship gathered online to share the results of the Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) process. These key findings inspired the fellows to streamline their national advocacy plan for the advancement of ethics education integration for the year 2024. The MEL process was conducted during the

Findings from the MEL Process Support the Ethics Education Fellows to Streamline their National Advocacy Read More »

Ethics Education Fellowship Driving Positive Transformation in Nepal’s Education System

  The Ethics Education Fellowship successfully concluded its implementation with children in Nepal, reaching 350 students in nine different schools.  This unique program had a significant impact on children, leading to positive changes in their interactions with their parents and their community. Learners have demonstrated improved ethical decision-making skills, enhanced critical thinking abilities, and a

Ethics Education Fellowship Driving Positive Transformation in Nepal’s Education System Read More »

The Ethics Education Fellowship: Insights From the Webinars with Teachers

  On 4 July 2023, the fellows and teachers of the Ethics Education Fellowship program gathered for the first time at a Global Community of Practice meeting. While the 30 fellows from Bangladesh, Indonesia, Kenya, Mauritius, Nepal, and Seychelles had been meeting regularly, this was the first meeting where the teachers had the opportunity to

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Advancing Inclusive and Peaceful Societies: The Ethics Education Fellowship is Making Strides in Africa and Asia

The Ethics Education Fellowship program unfolded simultaneously across six countries, making significant strides to strengthen the sustainable delivery of ethics education programs for children. Through the program, 323 teachers have been trained, paving the way to impact 4,430 children in Bangladesh, Indonesia, Kenya, Mauritius, Nepal, and Seychelles in its first year. This groundbreaking initiative brings

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Empowering Educators in Seychelles: National Teacher Training Workshop by the Ethics Education Fellowship

The Ethics Education Fellowship made its debut in Seychelles with a national Teacher Training Workshop, held from 20 to 24 February 2023, which brought together 20 primary and secondary school teachers. The program, endorsed by the President of Seychelles and approved by the Cabinet of Ministers, aims to extend its reach to over 450 children

Empowering Educators in Seychelles: National Teacher Training Workshop by the Ethics Education Fellowship Read More »

The Ethics Education Fellowship Makes Strides in Bangladesh

A group of 38 teachers from Bangladesh recently participated in a 5-day training workshop as part of the Ethics Education Fellowship program. The workshop aimed to equip these educators with the necessary skills to implement the program in 19 schools, benefiting approximately 1,200 children across the country. The Ethics Education Fellowship program is a collaborative

The Ethics Education Fellowship Makes Strides in Bangladesh Read More »

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