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Tackling Violence in Baringo, Kenya, through Values-Based Education

More than 700 children from West Kenya are expected to be reached by the Learning to Live Together Programme after sixty-four teachers from the counties of Baringo and Elgeyo-Marakwet participated in a 4-day Facilitator Training Workshop on the use of the Programme.

Baringo County has continuously experienced violent conflicts characterized by violent cattle rustling, fatalities, displacement of people, and loss of property and livelihoods. Though the situation is currently relatively calm, there have been repeated reprisal attacks resulting in some casualties. The conflict situation has been aggravated by adverse weather conditions which have caused an acute shortage of food in the County.

It is against this background that the Kenya National Commission for UNESCO (KNATCOM) in collaboration with World Vision Kenya organized an intervention that comprises three steps: the sensitization of head teachers from 30 primary schools in Baringo County, followed by a Facilitators Training Workshop for teachers on the Learning to Live Together Programme, as well as working with community leaders on intercultural dialogue, peaceful co-existence and resolution of conflicts.

The workshop for teachers took place from 9 to 12 April 2019 and was organized by World Vision Kenya, and KNATCOM, with the technical support of Arigatou International – Geneva.

Teachers will implement the Programme weekly with children aged ten to 12 for a period of one year during the “Life Skills” lessons. Follow up workshops will take place during this year to provide teachers with additional skills and tools to support children-led initiatives.

It is expected that the implementation of the Learning to Live Together Programme in schools contributes to the appreciation of diversity, building on commonalities, non-violent management of conflicts and promote working together for the well-being of the communities.

The Learning to Live Together Programme was first introduced to the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST) of Kenya in 2014. Soon after, a pilot program was carried out in 13 schools, reaching 657 children from the Tana River County, an area heavily affected by inter-ethnic violence. The implementation of the Programme showed positive results in students, and teachers, as well as in the overall community.

We thank our partners for trusting once more in the effectiveness of the Learning to Live Together Programme to enhance dialogue, empathy, interconnections and ethical reflections that can ultimately help building bridges and contribute to peacebuilding processes.

FTW Kenya 3

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