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Seventeen new facilitators trained on the Learning to Live Together Programme in Chile

The Global Network of Religions for Children (GNRC) Chile, in collaboration with Arigatou International Geneva, organized a Training Workshop on how to use the Learning to Live Together (LTLT) programme in Santiago, Chile from 28 January to 1 February 2017.

chile workshopThe workshop targeted 17 facilitators from Santiago and Concepción coming from formal and non-formal education and from religious institutions. All the participants had experience working with children and expertise in Peace Education and on the prevention of violence.

The selection of participants was a thorough process that resulted in a strong commitment to implementing the LTLT systematically in at least 6 institutions with children and families.

During the workshop, and while being introduced to the Ethics Education Framework of the Learning to Live Together Programme, participants discussed and reflected about the vulnerability that surrounds children, while looking for answers in the contexts where it emerges. The goal is to implement the LTLT Programme as a way to promote the construction of a culture of peace and inclusion, where children can develop their relations with others in a positive way, fostering a responsible citizenship while promoting the spiritual dimension in their lives.

Mr Mercedes Roman, Senior Advisor for the GNRC in Latin America and the Caribbean, Mr Marcelo Neira, Ms Monica Pacheco, Mr Victor Rey, GNRC Coordinator, and Mr Alejandro Martinez, facilitated the training workshop. Mr Neira and Ms Pacheco will follow-up and monitor the implementation of the programme through the work of the Communities of Practice in Concepción and Santiago for a period of six-months.

Our sincere gratitude goes to GNRC Chile, Mr Rey and Mr Neira for the organization of the workshop and for contributing to the systematic implementation of the Learning to Live Together Programme in Chile.

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