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International Seminar on Pedagogical Resources in Human Rights: Coexisting in Diversity

Arigatou International participated in the Second International Seminar on Pedagogical Resources in Human Rights, held on 18 and 19 February 2020 in San Sebastián, Spain. This seminar was hosted by Eskura Zentroa, a center for pedagogical resources in human rights that aims to create an informed society through the collection, generation, and dissemination of educational resources for peace, coexistence, and human rights.

The seminar aimed to generate a constructive discussion on inclusive education, diversity, and human rights. The event was centered on a theme of “Coexistence in Diversity” and sought to discuss and share pedagogical resources for positive diversity management and hate-crime prevention.

The seminar was attended by 80 participants, made up of professionals from formal and non-formal education, members of non-governmental development organizations, activists, and people interested in human rights. The discussions were led by 12 speakers who work in the field of human rights and education, and featured presentations on social justice, coexistence, and inclusive education.

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Ms. Vera Leal, Senior Program Officer on Ethics Education for Arigatou International Geneva, presented the Learning to Live Together Programme and its Ethics Education Framework as a transformative pedagogical tool and program framed within the Human Rights, and how it supports nurturing ethics and spirituality as a contribution to build plural and peaceful societies. During her presentation, participants were invited to join a game that helps illustrate how people can learn to live together by appreciating diversity and embracing empathy and respect for the other.  

The seminar also included discussions on combating hate speech and on promoting inclusive education that is conscious of prejudice and fosters coexistence.

This event combined resources, testimonies, and experiences from many experts in education and human rights to share knowledge and work towards the realization of coexistence in diversity, an end to hate crimes, and to mainstream inclusive education.

Arigatou International would like to thank Eskura Zentroa for organizing the event and all who participated in the seminar.

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