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Scholars from five countries trained on Peace, Resilience Building and Prevention of Violent Extremism in Africa

UNESCO International Institute for Capacity Building in Africa (IICBA), together with Arigatou International and the Institute for Peace and Security Studies at Addis Ababa University conducted a training for 21 participants from Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, South Sudan and Somalia, including university lecturers, representatives from the Ministry of Higher Education, representatives from UNESCO Dakar and One African Child.

The “Training of Trainers Workshop for Higher Education on Peace and Resilience Building and Prevention of Violent Extremism in Africa through Teacher Development” took place in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 28 October to 1 November 2019.

The main focus of the workshop was to analyze how are Universities empowering teachers, who will work in schools across Africa, to make use of transformative pedagogy for peace and resilience building and prevention of violent extremism.

The workshop went further to explore contextual dynamics that are related to conflicts, violent extremism, but also peace in the region, and what are the holistic pedagogical approaches available to respond to these challenges, how communities can be engaged and how teacher-trainings can incorporate these approaches.

This training is part of the “Peace, Resilience Building and Prevention of Violent Extremism in Africa through Teacher Development” project implemented by UNESCO IICBA, supported by the Government of Japan. The project builds upon lessons learned from the “Teacher Training and Development for Peace Building’’ projects implemented in the Horn of Africa in 2017 and in the Sahel region in 2018, also with the support of the Government of Japan. More than 6,500 teacher educators and scholars have been trained on transformative pedagogy for peacebuilding thus far.

This year the project focuses on sharing and scaling up best practices in the target countries and strengthening teacher capacity building at Universities related to peacebuilding and prevention of violent extremism. The project targets teachers in 16 countries in Africa, namely: Algeria, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, the Central African Republic, Chad, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Somalia, South Sudan, Uganda, and their cross-border areas.

Arigatou International has been partnering with UNESCO IICBA on these projects since 2017 providing technical expertise adapting the Ethics Education Framework of Arigatou International to address peace and resilience building and PVE through transformative pedagogy. 

Arigatou International led the drafting of the teacher guides and the design & delivery of the train the trainers as the lead technical partner.  As part of the collaboration, Arigatou International Geneva is also partnering with UNESCO to develop an e-learning course for educators based on these resources.

The recently concluded training was organized for Anglophone countries in the project and is the first in a series of three trainings. The following two, scheduled for 2020 also with the technical expertise of Arigatou International, will target French and Arabic-speaking countries.

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