Learning To Live Together for Children ages 6 to 11

Format: Live Session

Date: Wednesday, 23 November 2021

Time: 16:00 – 17:00 CET 

Languages: English, with Arabic, French and Spanish interpretation.


To celebrate the launch of the Learning to Live Together for Children ages 6 to 11; introduce the key aspects of the program, and share practical insights from key stakeholders

Opening Remarks


Reverend Keishi Miyamoto

President, Arigatou International

Ms. Vera Leal

Ethics Education Senior Program Officer, Arigatou International


Youth from Shanti Ashram, India

Ms. Maria Lucia Uribe

Executive Director, Arigatou International Geneva



GNRC Youth Committee

Ms. Mary Wanjiru Kangethe

Director, Global Education Programs, Kenya National Commission for UNESCO

Dr. Ilham Nasser

Senior Researcher and Director, International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT)

Rabbi Diana Gerson

Associate Executive Vice President of the New York Board of Rabbis

Imam Rashied Omar

Associate Teaching Professor of Islamic Studies and Peacebuilding, University of Notre Dame

Dr. Faryal Khan

Program Specialist for Education, UNESCO Asia-Pacific Regional Bureau for Education

Ms. Kehkashan Beenish Khan

UNICEF Public Advocacy and Partnerships Specialist

Dr. Angeliki Aroni

Special Secretariat for the Protection of Unaccompanied Minors in the Ministry of Migration and Asylum, Greece

Closing remarks

Mr. Fendra Kus Nuryadi

Principal at Amalina Islamic Junior High, Indonesia, Trainer of Indonesia National Commission for UNESCO

Ms. Virginia Ntheketha Mumo

UNESCO Office for Eastern Africa

Mr. Marco Laguatasi

GNRC Coordinator, Ecuador

Dr. Mustafa Y. Ali

Secretary General, Global Network of Religions for Children

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