Good Practices


After the launch of Learning to Live Together in Hiroshima, Japan in May 2008, the manual has been disseminated widely through UNESCO and UNICEF regional and national offices, the GNRC network, members of the Interfaith Council on Ethics Education for Children and its Committee, CRC Committee members, educators and teachers, youth leaders and others interested.

Arigatou International is currently developing booklets of good practices that can help enhancing the use of the manual in various contexts. The booklets are available online below and in hard copy from the Geneva office.

Learning To Live Together – Good Practices

Massa – Massar – The Journey, Israel

The Massa-Massar programme, created by the GNRC in Israel, focuses on young Jewish and Arab Israeli citizens born in Israel in the hope that young people sharing the same land and citizenship can live together in a peaceful existence.

The Massa-Massar programme creates opportunities for Jews and Palestinians to meet, learn from one another, challenge their prejudices and stereotypes, listen to new narratives and reflect on their relations with others and their role in their societies. The brochure is available for download here.

Learning to Play Together, Greece

Learning to Play Together showcases the adaptation and use of the programme in physical education in a multicultural school in Athens.  

Learning to Play Together was implemented with fifth-grade students from the Elementary School of Intercultural Education in Faliro, Athens, Greece since 2011.  It provides alternatives to the use of competitive games and sports in physical education and helps to promote mutual understanding and respect among youth living in multicultural societies.

The booklet describes the importance of intercultural education in Greece, the use and importance of physical education, and how the Learning to Live Together Programme was adapted and implemented.  It describes the activities and methodologies used with children, provides an assessment of the program, the learning gained by participants and recommendations for implementation in other settings. 

The booklet is available for download in English, Romanian, Greek and Spanish.

If you are in using the material in your country, please contact us.

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