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Kenya: two scenarios to provide recommendations to values-based education and pluralism through education

Arigatou International Geneva, as part of its ongoing commitment to supporting the Curriculum Reform Processes in Kenya, was invited to participate in a five-day process led by the Kenyan Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) to develop a values-based curriculum framework and a support the implementation process as part of the national curriculum reforms in Kenya.

kenia KICDThe events took place on 26 January and from 6 to 10 February 2017 in Nairobi, Kenya, and it brought together many stakeholders including DEPOT, Aga Khan Academy in Mombasa, Twaweza Communications and the Women Educational Researchers of Kenya.

KICD convened these consultative meetings to discuss values-based education (VBE), ethics, competencies, curriculum development matrices and pedagogy for VBE, among other subjects. The main output of the meeting was the drafting of the values-based education framework. Impact at this level can mean a big difference to millions of children across Kenya and for years to come.

Arigatou International was invited to share its ethics education framework and the work on values-based education through its Learning to Live Together (LTLT) Programme, focusing on the work conducted in Tana River County, in Kenya.

During the consultations, Arigatou International Geneva held a series of strategic meetings with key stakeholders and potential partners from the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD), the Kenya Ministry of Education, World Vision Kenya, the UNESCO National Commission and the UNESCO Regional Office for Eastern Africa.

The newly reformed curriculum will be soon piloted in Kenya and Arigatou International Geneva will be contributing with its approach to values based quality education to the piloting of the curriculum at schools.

Pluralism in and through education

Arigatou International Geneva was invited to contribute to a Workshop on “Pluralism in and through Education”, convened by the Aga Khan Foundation that took place in Mombasa from 31 January to 3 February 2017.

The workshop discussed in-depth different approaches and resources to mainstream pluralism in education programming. Arigatou International was invited to present the Learning to Live Together programme as a key resource to foster pluralism, which received an enthusiastic feedback from the attendees coming from the different regional and country offices of the Aga Khan Foundation as well as from the Global Center for Pluralism.

We thank our colleagues at KICD and the Kenyan Ministry of Education, Science and Technology for the continued collaboration as well as the Aga Khan Foundation for convening these meetings.

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