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Interreligious Workshop on the Learning to Live Together in Sao Paulo, Brazil

A training workshop on the Learning to Live Together (LTLT) educational approach was held from 5 to 8 October in Sao Paulo, Brazil under the title: “Building a Peace Culture in the Family, School and Community.”

The workshop was organized by the Global Network of Religions for Children (GNRC) Brazil. It was attended by 15 participants coming from different religious communities such as the Congregação Israelita, the Associação Cristã de Moços do Rio Grande do Sul (ACM-RS), Lar das Crianças, the Sociedade Espírita do Estado de São Paulo, the Núcleo Comunitário de Vila Terezinha (CLAI), Ile Ase Alafumbi, the Centro Imam Almahdide Dialógo no Brasil, and the Pastoral da Criança (CNBB).

The workshop aimed to provide educators and youth leaders from institutes and communities with a working tool to promote ethics education amongst children and young people, in order to nurture a peace building culture within each family, school and community.

Rivy Plapler, trainer of the Learning to Live Together since 2010, stated that this experience was specially enriching because the participants came from very different backgrounds, cultures and religions. The participants were able to embrace their differences and learn from one another. She also made a call to those who want to bring ethics education to their schools or institutions:

Believe in the possibility of turning a difficult situation into something good. Making a change depends on each and every one of us!

The program is initially expected to be implemented for six months. Each institution and community will develop their own activities, based on the LTLT educational approach, according to their individual needs and possibilities. At the same time, the institutions will be able to support each other through a Community of Practice, formed by the participants and the trainers that were part of the workshop. The Community of Practice aims to be a space for reflection where participants can exchange experiences and ideas, and connect with each other.

Special thanks to the training team: Glauco Filho, Rivy Plapler Tarandach, Tárcito Vivas, Teresinha Dorigon y Vânia Leite, and to GNRC Brazil and Pastoral da Criança for the institutional support.

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