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International Basic Training Workshop on the Learning to Live Together held in Sarajevo

An International Basic Training Workshop on the Learning to Live Together was organized in Sarajevo – Bosnia & Herzegovina on the 20 – 23 February by Mosaik Association – GNRC Bosnia & Herzegovina with the support of GNRC Europe and the Arigatou International – Ethics Education for Children office in Geneva.25 participants came together from Bosnia & Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Spain and Portugal from different cultural, religious (Muslims, Christians) and professional (teachers, psychologists, social workers, volunteers who work with children – GNRC members) backgrounds.

The objectives of the workshop were twofold: 1) To develop competencies in the participants to use the Learning to Live Together programme and 2) To strengthen the GNRC network in Europe, empowering people who are working for children’s wellbeing in different GNRC activities.
Participants were trained on the educational framework, methodologies and resources of the Learning To Live Together Programme, on how to design an ethics education programme and sessions and ways to monitor progress and the impact that the program has on children. After participants gained a deeper understanding of the key concepts and methodologies, they reflected and worked on ways to respond to the needs of children they work with.

At the end of the workshop, participants designed customized action plans and programs on ethics education to implement in their contexts.  Participants’ individual and collective implementation plans also reflect interest to add value to their work using the Learning to Live Together manual to connect their programmatic work with ethics education.  In Bosnia-Herzegovina most of the teachers planned to focus on programs for preventing discrimination and promoting reconciliation among different religious groups of children, in order to diminish bullying, violence and ethnical tensions between in schools. The participants from other countries, most of them coming from NGOs, planned to use the manual in intercultural projects, for the promotion of child rights and to strengthen the relationship between children and their parents.

Participants were satisfied with the learning gained and expressed their commitment to use the programme to promote mutual understanding and respect in their countries and share their work.   A concrete follow-up strategy is being designed to support this new community of practice.

Special thanks to the trainers of the workshop, Ms Laura Molnar, GNRC Eastern Europe Coordinator, Ms Angeliki Aroni, trainer on intercultural education and Ms Vera Leal, Ethics Education Program Officer, Geneva Office.


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