In the framework of Geneva Peace Week 2021, Arigatou International and Safe to Learn organized the workshop Prevention of Violence Against Children in the School Environment to raise awareness of the impact of violence in school settings.
The session highlighted the importance of safe learning environments for children’s development and well-being. Participants helped brainstorm practical and innovative solutions to respond and prevent violence in schools.
The workshop took place on 1 November 2021 with the participation of 50 participants from over 20 countries. Facilitators shared the ethics education framework as a pedagogical tool for creating safe learning environments free of violence and developing competencies in educators to empower children to positively reflect and address violence around them.
The interactive workshop provided opportunities for participants to discuss and challenge social norms and behaviors that condone violence in schools and collectively explore methodological approaches that promote positive practices and inclusive educational spaces.
The workshop was facilitated by Ms. Anne Waichinga, Education and Child Protection Specialist – Kenya; Ms. Laura Molnar, President Education for Change Association – Romania; Mr. Vijayaragavan Gopal, Head of the Youth Leadership Program, Shanti Ashram – India; Ms. Zvonimira Jakic, youth Advisor of the Presidency – Bosnia & Herzegovina; and Ms. Vera Leal, Senior Ethics Education Program Officer, Arigatou International Geneva.
The session was moderated by Ms. Maria Lucia Uribe, Executive Director, Arigatou International Geneva. Concluding remarks were provided by Dr. Chloë Fèvre, Director, Safe to Learn Global Initiative.
Geneva Peace Week is a leading annual forum in the international peacebuilding calendar and the flagship event of the Geneva Peacebuilding Platform. The thematic focus on 2021 was “From seeds to systems of peace: Weathering today’s challenges.”
We thank the panel of facilitators for their commitment and support, and the participants for their enthusiastic engagement.