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Faith for Social and Behavior Change Initiative

As part of its continuous engagement with UNICEF, Arigatou International was invited to participate at the global workshop Faith for Social and Behavior Change in Bangkok from 10-12 July 2018. The workshop was organized by UNICEF in collaboration with Religions for Peace, the Joint Learning Initiative, and Rissho Kosei-kai, bringing together 80 participants from UNICEF country offices and faith-based organizations, from more than 30 countries.

This initiative is part of a larger program focusing on developing UNICEF’s global programming framework for its headquarters and country offices’ with the goal of strengthen, systematize and scale-up UNICEF’s engagement with religious communities and actors to influence positive social and behavior change towards improving the lives of children from early childhood through their lifecycle, as well as their families, particularly the most marginalized.

This historic initiative will strengthen the global evidence base, establishing a co-created programming framework among UNICEF country offices and strategic religious actors and key government counterparts, and will help develop a global UNICEF technical guidance for partnership with faith-based organizations.

Ms. Eleonora Mura represented the Arigatou International Geneva office and presented the Ethics Education for Children initiative, as well as the Global Network of Religions for Children (GNRC) as good practices to work with faith communities for the well-being of children.

We thank the organizers for inviting Arigatou International to take part in this workshop.

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