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First Steps to Incorporate the Learning to Live Together Programme in Formal Education in India

For the first time, a training workshop on the Learning to Live Together (LTLT) programme was held with the objective of learning how its conceptual areas, methodologies and learning process can be incorporated in schools’ curricula in India.

This Basic Training Workshop, organized by Arigatou International Geneva in collaboration with Edmund Rice International, took place in New Delhi between 10 and 12 May, 2016 gathering 21 teachers of Edmund Rice International from six different states of India.

During the workshop, participants had the opportunity to learn about the key elements of the LTLT programme, reflect on the importance of carrying out an ethics education program in their communities, and identify strategies to implement it in a customized way.

The teachers who took part in the workshop came from diverse backgrounds from across the country. As stated by the facilitators, “they were a very keen group of teachers, receptive to the ideas of inter-faith dialogue, child-friendly practices and the need for understanding children better, which resulted in a strong platform for discussion and participation.” They also joined inter-faith excursions and meditation sessions initiated and organized by Edmund Rice International. These activities outside the workshop hours added to the overall learning experience.

“This group of people came together with ‘the child’ at the center of all its deliberations and as motive for action. With that as the preamble, it was bound to be a successful endeavor from the start,”

Ms. Pavithra Rajagopalan,


During this three-day workshop the facilitators took the participants through the methodology, approach and practical activities of the LTLT manual. The focus was to help participants to contextualize the programme to their own settings and help them come up with a concrete plan for its execution in their corresponding schools.

Special thanks goes to Br. Steve Rocha, for his support and encouragement; to Edmund Rice International and Nine is Mine team, for their collaboration before, during and after the workshop; to the facilitators Mr. Vijayaraghavan Gopal, Ms. Pavithra Rajagopalan, Ms. Farha Iman and Ms. Dikshita Damodaran, and to the participants, for their enthusiasm and commitment.


Workshop India 1


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