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Children as Agents of Peace: Second Training Workshop in Baringo, Kenya

Sixty teachers from Baringo and Elgo-Marikwat Counties, Kenya, were reunited in a second facilitator training workshop, as part of a peacebuilding intervention led by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of Kenya, Kenya National Commission for UNESCO, World Vision Kenya and Arigatou International Geneva.

The workshop gathered a group of teachers who were previously trained on the Learning to Live Together Programme back in April 2019, and who have been systematically implementing it with children in 32 schools, reaching 700 students from both Counties. This time, the training workshop took place in Koloa, a remote setting about ten hours north of Nairobi, and was held from 9 to 13 December 2019.

Baringo 1This follow-up focused on the second module of the Learning to Live Together Programme and aimed to provide teachers with additional skills to respond to their particular context, and tools to support children-led initiatives, establishing peace clubs and strengthening community engagement. Teachers were encouraged to empower their students to be agents of peace, actively contributing towards building bridges of reconciliation and understanding between themselves and their communities.

During the workshop, the teachers shared their transformative experiences and lessons learned from the implementation over the past few months.

The program is expected to continue until December 2020, culminating with an event to celebrate this journey, which will bring together children and teachers from the participating schools.

We thank our partners for placing their trust in our Programme, our team of trainers for their dedication, and the participants for their inspiring commitment and drive.

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