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Arigatou International launches new online space to advance children’s safeguarding and participation

To commemorate the 30 years of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, on 20 November 2019, Arigatou International launched a new online space developed in close collaboration with the four members of the GNRC Youth Committee 2019.

The purpose of this platform is to share Arigatou International’s approach to work with children, to create more meaningful spaces to listen to their voices and to share resources towards advancing children’s safeguarding and participation.

The launch of this new website goes in line with Arigatou International’s commitment to fully involve young people in all our programs and activities.  The website includes materials developed by children from Cameroon, Ecuador, India, and Pakistan engaged in Arigatou International as interns since April 2019, and who are part of the GNRC Youth Committee 2019.

During this period, these four young people (ages 14 to 18) have been organizing activities in their communities to advocate for the rights of the child, and they have been contributing to this new online space by sharing videos, photos, paintings, audios, and articles about the challenges children face today and the importance of knowing and promoting their rights.

The online space also provides a series of interactive resources and recommendations on how to create opportunities for children to participate, fully express themselves, and engage with people of different cultures and beliefs. It also provides guidelines to prevent and respond to any safeguarding concerns while working with children.

This online space is only the beginning of developing a long-term strategy for Arigatou International to work more closely together with children to ensure their safeguarding, participation, and empowerment. This website is expected to continue developing and growing through the contributions and good practices examples of GNRC members around the world.  

Explore the site and contact us in case you want to share news from your work with children, as well as resources created by children in your communities.

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