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Arigatou International Geneva presents at ADEA Triennale 2017

From 14 to 17 March 2017, Arigatou International attended the Association for Development of Education in Africa (ADEA)’s Triennale 2017 in Dakar, Senegal, under the theme “Revitalizing education towards the 2030 Global Agenda and Africa’s Agenda 2063”.

senegal ADEA1The Triennale brought together Education Ministers from 54 countries and key education stakeholders in Africa to reflect and operationalize global and continental educational frameworks, as well as to showcase best practices and examples on how to introduce global citizenship education in national education programs. In this context, Mrs. Maria Lucia Uribe, Director of Arigatou International Geneva, presented the Learning to Live Together Programme and the outcomes of its implementation in Kenya, Tanzania and South Africa, and also shared briefly how it has been used in non-formal educational settings in Uganda, Nigeria, Mauritius and Comoros.

The Triennale gave a wonderful opportunity for Arigatou International Geneva to advocate for Ethics Education and also to meet with Ministries of Education and other organizations.

We thank ADEA and the Inter-Country Quality Node (ICQN) on Peace Education led by Ministry of Education, Science and Technology Kenya for the invitation to attend this important meeting.

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