We work collaboratively with various partners to advance the recognition of ethics education for children as a critical part of quality education, and a key component to the achievement of target 4.7 of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Grounded on the important contributions of ethics education to intercultural and interfaith learning and children’s spiritual development, we advocate to prompt action and generate positive changes to further ethics education. Through our interventions, we seek to influence educators, policymakers, faith communities, civil society organizations and governments.
A significant component of our advocacy efforts is to amplify children’s voices on issues that affect them, supporting their empowerment and enhancing their safe and meaningful participation.
Our office in Geneva is the liaison office of Arigatou International at the United Nations in Geneva, representing the organization on several platforms to advocate for the protection and promotion of children’s rights and contribute to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
We participate in different working groups, undertaking concrete advocacy activities to contribute to children’s rights, particularly their right to quality education, and their right to live in a safe environment, free of violence.
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