Laura Molnar
Please explain how you have conducted trainings on the Learning to Live Together Programme. (600 words)
LTLT was implemented in Romanian schools by Sol Mentis Association through a memorandum of cooperation with AI Geneva office and N.C. of UNESCO Romania. The LTLT training for teachers was accredited by our Ministry of Education in March 2014. then more than 1400 teachers, schools inspectors and counsellors have been trained. Inside Sol Mentis Association, I had the responsibility to coordinate the LTLT program to find partners, to organize trainings and to coordinate the LTLT programs implementation in the country and the mentorship program for teachers, as trainings follow up.
How have you used the LTLT Ethics Education Framework? (400 words)
Explain how the conducted trainings have been sensitive to the local context. (400 words)
How has the conducted trainings impacted the trained facilitators? (400 words)
Please give some examples to show your resourcefulness and creativity to organize trainings of facilitators. (600 words)
How have you provided mentorship and guidance to trained facilitators? (400 words)
How has the Learning to Live Together Programme influenced a positive transformation in you, in a personal and professional level? (400 words)
Please explain how you exemplify a strong role-model of the principles of Learning to Live Together. (400 words)
Explain how you act as an ambassador and advocator of the Learning to Live Together Programme in your local context. (600 words)