The Kiosk

Ethics Education Online Community of Practice


Workshop in Colombia


What organisation supported the Training Workshop?
Fundación Caminos de Libertad, Arigatou International – Geneva

How many participants successfully completed the Training Workshop?

What was the professional backgrounds of the participants?
Religious Leaders
NGO Volunteers

Religious affiliation of the participants
Christian (including Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox and other Christian denominations)

From what organisations or institutions did the participants come from?
Asociación de Colegios y Educadores Cristianos de Colombia, Colegio Santa Luisa, Comcarisma, Comunidad Budista Zen, Comunidad Musulmana, Escuelas de Paz, GNRC Colombia, Iglesia Pentecostal Unida, Universidad Santo Tomás, World Vision, Voluntariados El Sembrador

Additional Details

Was a Community of Practice created after the workshop?

If yes, is it still active?

What where the main topics discussed or reflections made during the workshop?
The workshop aimed to familiarize participants with the principles of the Learning to Live Together (LTLT) Programme, its methodologies, and educational approach, and to reflect on violence affecting children and youth in specific contexts in Colombia. It acknowledged the role that ethics and value-based education can play, particularly in a post-conflict setting. During the four days, participants gained the knowledge and capacities required to design an ethics education program based on the LTLT Programme, adapted to their educational contexts and tailored to the specific needs of the children or youth, and acquired knowledge on Monitoring and Evaluation tools that can be used during implementation of the Programme.

In order to understand the obstacles and challenges preventing compliance to the Rights of the Child in Colombia, the workshop discussed the particular forms of violence faced by children and youth in the country: Children in Colombia experience most violence in their homes, with 120,000 cases reported between 2008 – 2017, and of these, girls aged 10-14 are the most affected, comprising over 35% of the cases reported. In addition, every 33 seconds in Colombia, a girl is a victim of sexual exploitation. However, cases are rarely reported as adults tend not to believe victims of such abuse, or because children are afraid to confront authority.

Is there anything that you would like to share with us?
After four intensive days of learning from one another and fulfilling these objectives, participants committed to implementing LTLT within their communities and strengthening interfaith and intercultural collaboration and action.

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