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Workshop on Ethics Education for Children and Youth: Towards a Transformative Pedagogy to Tackle the Challenges of Learning to Live Together

Ms. Maria Lucia Uribe, Director of Arigatou International Geneva, facilitating a workshop

Within the framework of a recently signed Memorandum of Understanding between Arigatou International Geneva and, Arigatou International Geneva participated in the international conference Managing and Teaching Ethics in Higher Education: Policy, Skills, and Resources, organized by, from 4 to 6 June at Bossey, Switzerland.

With the aim to embed ethics more deeply into society through higher education institutions, the conference gathered more than 200 teachers, policy makers, research fellows, vice-chancellors, ethics and scientific institutions, consultants, NGOs, IGOs and other stakeholders from many parts of the world.

“We believe that it is only by sharing knowledge that we can improve education on a global level,” said Prof. Dr. Orbiora Ike, Executive Director, and Prof. Dr h.c. Christoph Stuckelberger, Founder, and President, in the Conference’s welcome letter.

When addressing the importance of ethics education, Hon. Prof. Kwesi Yankah, Minister of State in charge of Tertiary Education in Ghana stated: “Only in ethics, with ethics, and through ethical standards can we evoke evolutionary ideas that can spur our collective progress without the wake of destructive violence that threatens to undermine the huge but fragile political, social, financial and ecological infrastructures on which we depend and strive to build a better world.”

During the conference, Ms. María Lucia Uribe, Director of Arigatou International Geneva, facilitated a workshop titled Ethics Education for Children and Youth: Towards a Transformative Pedagogy to Tackle the Challenges of Learning to Live Together. The aim of the workshop was to introduce the Ethics Education Framework of Arigatou International to the participants; to identify the Ethics Education pedagogical elements that create transformative learning in schools, and to share good practices of implementation for teacher training and support to curriculum reforms.

The Geneva office participated as well in a marketplace that took place throughout the conference, presenting the Learning to Live Together Programme and its Ethics Education Framework to the participants, as well as other publications on good practices.

We thank for inviting Arigatou International Geneva to take part in this event, and the people who participated in the workshop, for their enthusiasm and interest in our work.

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