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International Seminar for teachers and trainers in Athens

Two Arigatou International trained trainers introduced the ethics education program andLearing to Live Togetherat an International Seminar for teachers and trainers in Athens in April.

Arigatou International was invited to introduce the Ethics Education for Children program at an International Seminar on 6 – 10 April in Athens, Greece. The Seminar was internded as a Practical seminar addressed to the needs of Teachers and Adult Trainers and the theme was: Sociocultural Diversities and Human Rights: The role of Intercultural Education.

During the first two days there were presentations by representatives of the UNESCO Chair of International Education and the Centre for Cross-cultural Education "ETHNOSFERA", the Arigatou International Ethics Education program, the Hellenic Obervatory for Intercultural  Education, as well as individuals working in the field of Intercultural Education and Human Rights Education.

The two trained trainers from Arigatou International, Ms Vera Leal Ferriera and Ms Angeliki Aroni, introduced the ethics education program and gave also a practical example of an activity that demonstrates the core elements of the educational manual: the learning process, methodologies, values and key concepts.

During the last three days, the participants had the opportunity to visit and interact with children at Greek public schools. The purpose of these school visits was to generate an exchange of experience and good practices between the host country and the countries from which the participants and organizations came from. For these school visit, each of the participants, had prepared a small activity or presentation which they shared during the visits.

• 8th April – Visit to 152nd Primary School of Athens (Public School belongs to ZEP: Zone of Educational Priority)
• 9th April – Visit to the 151st Primary School of Athens (public school with a big diversity of migrant students).
• 10th April – Visit  to the Adult Education Centre – Hellenic Culture Centre (HCC)

As a result of the particpation in the International Seminar, Arigatou International is now invited to:
1.  Organize a two-day Introductory workshop for Citizenship Education students at the University of Leicester, UK in May.
2.  Participate and present the Arigatou International four partnership-based initiatives at the International Interreligious Conference Graz 2013 “Com Unity Spirit” which will be held in Graz, Austria from July 17 – 20, 2013, organized by the Afro – Asian Institute.
3. Organize a basic training for teachers and teacher trainers in September in Greece, on how to use the Learning to Live Together.
4. Engage in cooperation with the Cyprus University of Technology and the Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Finland. 

The International Seminar in Athens was co-organised by the International Association of Intercultural Education (IAIE) and the Hellenic Association for Intercultural Education (HAIE) and the support of the International Centre of Intercultural Studies (ICIS) for teachers and adult trainers 

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