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GNRC – Learning to Live Together workshop in the Gampaha District – Sri Lanka

GNRC South Asia successfully organized a GNRC – Learning To Live Together workshop for the Gampaha district in Sri Lanka with 25 child participants representing the main religious and ethnic groups. The workshop aimed to let children explore and understand the needs for learning to live together peacefully.Read more…

Sri Lanka
The children who participated in the workshop were talented and several of them were outstanding in their participation and leadership. The workshop began with guiding the children to better understand themselves, those around them and the diversity among people. As part of appreciating the diversity, a cultural evening was held on the second day of the workshop. The program was both educational and entertaining for all. The next phase of the workshop focused on engaging the young children to discuss the issues in society, their views and possible solutions. It was an inspiring experience to all.

In parallel to the workshop, video recordings were made to capture the aspirations of chidren towards a peaceful future. The ideas that children shared during the workshop activities, personal interviews conducted with selected children from each district will then be compiled to a video documentary titled ‘Children for Peace’.

The workshop was facilitated by the GNRC South Asia Secretariat staff and volunteers, who had all taken part in the Facilitators Training Workshop on ‘Learning To Live Together’  held earlier in June 2010. The workshop is the first of the series of seven workshops to be conducted in different districts and gave an opportunity to learn from and understand how to improve the next workshops.

The GNRC South Asia Secretariat is thankful for all those who supported the workshop especially the staff of the Sarvodaya Gampaha district for their efforts in organizing the workshop logistics.

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