Two Representatives from the GNRCAfricaPeace Clubs Raymond Kassoga andRogersFungo attended the World Social Forum which ended on 25 January inNairobi,Kenya. The duo joined the Caritas/AACC Ecumenical Platform and participated in various workshops, seminars and processions during the Forum.
Also in attendance at the World Social Forum were some GNRC Africa members working in various fields to uplift the welfare of the children and the young people, and the Coordinator for Africa Dr. Mustafa Ali.
Among those who attended this year’s forum were Nobel Laureates; Archbishop of Cape Town, Desmond Tutu, Ms. Ebadi Shirin from Iran, Ms. Jody Williams from the US and Prof. Wangari Maathai from Kenya.
All the Nobel Laureates called for a new world order based on social and economic inclusion, justice and care for the poor. They castigated policies which have over time imposed colonialism and neo-colonialism.
These policies, it was heard in the workshop, have contributed to the devastation of Southern economies, bolstered the disastrous and repressive reigns of dictatorships, marginalized women, disenfranchised youth, intensified the destruction of the environment and unleashed bloody, inhuman and needless military conflicts in many African countries.