Ethics Education

for Children

Annual Report 2023 – 2024

Nurturing ethical values and the
spiritual development of children.

The Ethics Education Fellowship Brings Positive Transformations in Asia and Africa! 

The Ethics Education Fellowship concluded its first phase, bringing about transformative changes in teachers and learners, as well as in formal education institutions, contributing to strengthening Global Citizenship and building more inclusive, peaceful societies.  

Implemented in Bangladesh, Indonesia, Kenya, Mauritius, Nepal, and Seychelles, this groundbreaking initiative demonstrated the transformative power of ethics education and its contribution to learning to live together. 

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A Year of Transformative Impact: Nurturing Values and Spirituality in Early Childhood

This year, we celebrated the successful roll-out of the Toolkit to Nurture the Spiritual Development of Children in the Early Years across Brazil, India, Mexico and Pakistan.

From challenging violence and neglect to empowering families and communities, this unique initiative has supported the positive transformation of parents and caregivers, fostering children’s holistic development and contributing to nurturing and respectful family environments.

274 trainers and facilitators

2,056 parents, caregivers and educators

5,529 children

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Empowering Children Through Innovative and Engaging Spaces

Ever wondered what could unfold if we intentionally create spaces where children can actively participate?

Witness how meaningful interfaith and intercultural interactions not only nurture empathy, compassion and care for others but also empower children to initiate and lead impactful community projects that drive real social change.

198 children involved, from

14 countries

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Learning to Live Together: The Change Starts with Us! 

For over 15 years, the Learning to Live Together program has equipped educators worldwide to create safe and empowering learning environments where children learn about themselves in relation to the other and the world around them.

Its transformative pedagogy places children at the center of the educational experience, making them agents of their own learning and drivers of positive change, equipped to work with others to make positive contributions to their communities.

2,271 children in
eight countries reached

Explore some of these impactful stories

Advancing Peace and Resilience Through Education in Africa 

Since 2017, we have collaborated with the UNESCO International Institute for Capacity Building in Africa (IICBA) to foster peace, build resilience and prevent violent extremism in the region.

The program has equipped over 10,000 education actors to deliver high-quality peace-building education at both the higher education and school level. By improving the knowledge and skills of young people, the program seeks to mitigate conflicts and violence, prevent them from occurring, and promote peacebuilding.

See what we’ve accomplished together.

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Igniting Change: How We Advocate for Ethics Education and the Spiritual Development of Children

Our advocacy efforts are driven by a profound belief in children’s intrinsic dignity and immense potential as agents of positive change. We champion ethics education and the spiritual development of children, recognizing that investing in children today is key to building a better future.

15 international conferences attended

13 of them participated as speakers

774 people reached

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Championing Children’s Rights at the Heart of Our Mission

Arigatou International – Geneva stands at the forefront of advocating for children’s rights and contributing to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

This year, we actively engaged in numerous networks and working groups to advance evidence, action and investment for the rights of children. Our efforts focused on ensuring the right to quality education, creating a world free of violence, and raising awareness about the mental health and psychosocial well-being of children on the move.

Learn more about these significant strides toward a better future for every child.

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The achievements of the past year have been the result of collaborative efforts from numerous individuals and organizations.

We begin by expressing our deep appreciation to the remarkable children and youth who participated in our programs. Your enthusiasm, creativity and wisdom are the foundation of our work. You are at the heart of everything we do.

Our sincere thanks go out to the dedicated facilitators, trainers and grassroots organizations who have brought our initiatives to life. Your passion and commitment to our shared vision of ethics education have made all the difference, and we are truly grateful for your belief in our approach.

We are also grateful to our generous donors, whose support and trust in our mission have empowered us to achieve our goals and extend our impact. Your contributions make everything we do possible.

Lastly, we would like to offer our warmest thanks to the members of the Global Network of Religions for Children, as well as our colleagues at the Arigatou International offices in Tokyo, Nairobi and New York. A special note of gratitude goes to the Arigatou International Advisory Group and the members of Myochikai in Japan. Your unwavering commitment has enabled us to create meaningful change. Together, we have made a lasting impact.

– Arigatou International Advisory Group +


  • Mr. Kul Gautam, Former Deputy Executive Director, UNICEF, and Assistant Secretary-General, United Nations 
  • Dr. Kezevino Aram, President, Shanti Ashram 
  • Dr. Vinya Ariyaratne, President, Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement 
  • Ms. Paloma Escudero, Director, Division of Communication, UNICEF 
  • Dr. Azza Karam, Secretary General, Religions for Peace 
  • Ms. Andrea Kaufmann, Director, Faith & External Engagement, World Vision International 
  • Sheikh Ibrahim Lethome, Secretary General, Centre for Sustainable Conflict Resolution, and Legal Advisor, Supreme Council of Kenya Muslims 
  • The Most Reverend Felix Anthony Machado, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Vasai 
  • Dr. Katherine Marshall, Senior Fellow, Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs, and Professor of the Practice of Development, Conflict, and Religion, Georgetown University 
  • The Right Reverend Dr. Barry Morgan, Former Archbishop, Church in Wales 
  • The Most Reverend Julio E. Murray, Archbishop of the Anglican Church of Central America, Bishop of Panama 
  • Prof. Anantanand Rambachan, Professor, Religion Department, Saint Olaf College 
  • Rabbi David Rosen, KSG, CBE, International Director, Interreligious Affairs, The American Jewish Committee 
  • Dr. Mohammad Sammak, Secretary General of the Christian-Muslim Committee for Dialogue, Secretary General of the Executive Committee of the Christian-Muslim Arab Group, and Secretary General of the Islamic Spiritual Summit 
  • Ms. Marta Santos Pais, Former UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence against Children  

Consortium on Nurturing Values and Spirituality in Early Childhood for the Prevention of Violence  +

    • Africa Early Childhood Network
    • Catholic Relief Services
    • Early Childhood Peace Consortium
    • Fetzer Institute
    • Global Partnership to End Violence against Children
    • Guerrand-Hermès Foundation for Peace
    • International Institute for Islamic Thought
    • International Network of Engaged Buddhists
    • Islamic Relief Worldwide
    • Madrasa Early Childhood Development Programme
    • Office of the UN Special Representative to the Secretary-General on Violence Against Children
    • Pastoral da Criança
    • Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement
    • Shanti Ashram
    • University of Montreal
    • World Council of Churches
    • World Vision International



    Partners and Donors  +


    • Bangladesh National Commission for UNESCO
    • Child Rights Connect
    • Collaborative on Global Children’s Issues – Georgetown University
    • Education4Change – Romania
    • Faith Action for Children on the Move Coalition
    • Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception – Mexico
    • G20 Interfaith Forum
    • Global Center for the Development of the Whole Child – University of Notre Dame
    • Guerrand-Hermès Foundation for Peace
    • Higher Committee of Human Fraternity
    • Indonesia National Commission for UNESCO
    • International Partnership for Religion and Sustainable Development – PaRD
    • Islamic Relief – Pakistan
    • KAICIID International Dialogue Centre
    • KAICIID Network for Dialogue (N4D)
    • Kenya National Commission for UNESCO
    • Mauritius National Commission for UNESCO
    • Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia
    • Ministry of Education of Bangladesh
    • Ministry of Education of Burundi
    • Ministry of Education of Kenya
    • Ministry of Education of Seychelles
    • Ministry of Education of the Government of Mauritius
    • Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of Nepal
    • Mozaik V. Čajno Association
    • Muslim Council of Elders
    • Nepal National Commission for UNESCO
    • Porticus North America
    • Puerta Esperanza – Guatemala
    • Queen Margaret University’s Institute for Global Health and Development
    • Seychelles National Commission for UNESCO
    • United States Institute of Peace
    • UNESCO New Delhi Cluster Office
    • UNESCO Regional Office for Eastern Africa
    • UNESCO- International Institute for Capacity Building in Africa
    • World Vision – Mexico
    • Working Group on Human Rights Education



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