Becoming a Member

Consortium Added Value

The consortium is open to all organizations working with early childhood, and who are interested in the consortium's vision.

The consortium is a unique platform and is well-placed to:

  1. Contribute to additional content and reach to improve the quality of early childhood through the focus on nurturing values and spirituality;
  2. Promote the rights of children and improve their wellbeing by strengthening collaboration between two key sets of stakeholders: members of religious communities and practitioners in the field of early childhood development;
  3. Enhance understanding of non-violent approaches to early childhood development and the contribution it makes to the spiritual development of children and adults;
  4. Bridge the common knowledge and collaboration gaps between organizations that work with religious communities on topics related to early childhood;
  5. Foster interfaith collaboration for the well being of young children and their families and caregivers;
  6. Lead the development of evidence of faith inspired best practices and initiatives that contribute to change social and cultural norms that condone violence in child upbringing; and support those that nurture values and spirituality in the family;
  7. Develop guidelines and resources to foster holistic approaches in religious communities to support child upbringing;
  8. Create greater recognition of the role of spirituality in child well being in general and in early childhood development in particular, and its relation to the holistic development of the child;
  9. Create a common voice that recognizes and values the diversity of the different organizations and groups while proving a united voice to improve the quality of early childhood;
  10. Contribute to the efforts to end violence against children and foster peaceful and inclusive societies.